Im am very pleased with this app! But the only important thing is that it is to do with the Lord!!
Im am very pleased with this app! But the only important thing is that it is to do with the Lord!!
Full of resources!
There is so much useful information here. I love it. I recommend it highly. Dr. R. B.
Do you believe her, use the utmost caution with this app-this goes along with the cold belief of the Jehovahs Witnesses and therefore is a CULT! "Be not deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows that shall he also reap!" If you sow misinformation, you will reap deceived doctrine. Beloved, "test the (Holy) Spirit" in true faith and belief in Jesus alone! Guard your spirit against unholy teaching; this App is well packaged DECEPTION! TEST EVERY TRUTH YOU LEARN HERE-seek verification from KNOWN TRUTHFUL SOURCES! -Rev. Dr. Nathan Davis
Tremendous app!!
Very good app. As much or as little detail as you want. God Bless.
The best......
This has got to be my favorite !christian app!! I have already downloaded this app on 3 different devices and will always downlaoad it on any of my new devices! I love the daily heavenly manna devotions as well as the evening devotions called songs in the night! This app is like an untapped spring welled over with inexhaustible resources to fill all your praise, worship, and bible study needs regardless of your individual denomination!
I didnt realize this was J W Cult like others are now saying in the comments. When I tried the app, it is not easy at first to realize what is wrong with it due to all the color and glitz, with having a lot of things to do with the app, it does have good features. But, if the truth of Gods Word is not in it, then you just have a lot of false doctrine and can be led astray by not having the whole truth to learn from. I think it is wrong that they dont let you know this is J W to begin with! very Deceptive!
This app includes a lot of resources: audio, video, commentary... Very useful for a true Christian
I live this app n Im getting free bible yea!!!!!
Ive only just added this app and Im HIGHLY impressed already ! This will be an app that I use through out each day ! Love it !!
"Search the truth and the truth shall make you free" This app has a lot of resources for our Christian life!
I just found that the Bible Student is the name adopted by millennialist Restorationist Christian movement that emerged from the teachings and ministry of (Charles Taze Russell, also known as Pastor Russell. They call themselves Bible Students; International Bible Students; Associated Bible Students or Independent Bible Students. The origins are associated with the teachings of Zions Watch Tower Tract Society in 1881. Lookup Bible Student Movement. Find out the truth behind the hiding.
This is a great companion to my Bible.
Excellent tool for anyone who want study and grow in Gods Word. I love it
Love this App
This is a very good daily word and new letters are great.
This is an abomination to all who believe in The trinity and have Jesus as their personal savior. Charles Taze Russell is at the forefront of this app. Jehovahs witnesses are running the info. A heavy price will be paid for this cult app.
The app repeatedly crashed when attempting to use audio Bible.